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Divorce Wars: Opposites Attract Page 8

  “What are you talking about?” he asks with sign of irritation.

  “They are in danger sir. Look.” I hand him my tablet with the latest security footage taken of the fence.

  “Damn! Call in an evacuation team. Get them out of there now. And shut down the cameras in the complex. Use the GPS to find them. If something happens it does not get caught on tape understand?”

  I give Peter a curt nod in response biting my tongue. Two people are in danger and he’s thinking about making sure there is no evidence. What a douchebag. Focusing on helping Wyatt and Kara I run from the office toward the security team. Please let them be okay when we get there.

  * * *


  The further we walk the harder it begins to rain. Water is pouring from the sky in sheets so thick I can barely see more than two feet in front of me. Each piece of my clothing has doubled in weight, heavy with the water fused in every fiber. A bone deep weariness makes each step harder than the last. Wyatt’s firm hand in mine is the only thing keeping me from turning around and heading back to camp.

  “Just a little farther. We’re almost there.” He says as if reading my mind.

  “Okay,” I reply on a tired breath.

  I keep my eyes closed against the sting of the rain. I’m following blindly behind Wyatt, trusting him to guide me. Mud splashes against my legs, oozing into the mouth of my shoes. Be strong. Keep going. I lift my foot placing it in front of me to continue moving forward.

  My eyes fly open when the ground that should have met my foot doesn’t materialize causing me to lurch forward. Pain slices through my ankle as my foot falls through the earth wedging between something sharp. I jerk my hand from Wyatt’s to brace myself for the fall. My cry of pain echoes through the empty air.

  “Kara, are you okay?” Wyatt asks rushing to my side.

  “My leg,” I ground out through the pain.

  Wyatt falls to his knees pulling me into his arms. I cling to his wet body, burying my face in him in his chest.

  “It hurts so bad.”

  My leg is buried in the mud filled hole making it hard to see the extent of the damage. Wyatt dips his hand into the hole rummaging around to assess the situation. His fingers graze the skin of my ankle and move up my leg.

  “I think your foot is stuck between some rocks. I need to pull it out. We don’t know what may live in this hole.”

  I nod in acquiescence and brace myself for the pain to come. Wyatt wraps his hands around my calf then pauses. Sympathy fills his honey-ocean eyes as they bore into mine.

  “Ready?” he asks with a grimace.

  “Yeah.” I reply with firm resolve.

  “One, two…” Wyatt pulls on my leg. White hot agony spreads through my foot as the skin rips apart against the sharp rocks.

  “Stop!” I scream.

  Wyatt immediately let’s go of my leg still stuck in the hole. Red now twinges the water filling the hole. Tears well in my eyes as I collapse into myself folding my arms around my middle.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m so sorry. I know it hurts, but we have to get your leg out of this.” Wyatt whispers doing his best to use a soothing tone.

  “It hurts so much.” The taste of salt seeps into my mouth as my tears mix with the rain. “I just wanna go home. I want to go home. I give up.”

  “I’m here because I have a daughter. Her name is Emma. She’s six years old. Her mother is a piece of trash, junkie but Emma is the best thing she ever gave me. After I left the homes and went out on my own at sixteen I made some bad choices. I got connected with the wrong people. I owe a lot of money to those people. So I work for them. Selling drugs, being a runner, cleaning up their messes. The money from the show is gonna clear my account with them. I’ll have a little leftover to pay my baby mom to sign over her rights to me. Then I don’t know maybe take Emma some middle of nowhere little town where she can grow up and finally be a real kid you know.”

  “Why are you telling me this now?” I ask. While I am glad Wyatt has finally shared this piece of himself with me the timing leaves me confused.

  “To remind you that we are not in this fight for ourselves. You can’t give up. Your mom needs you just like Emma needs me. You have to keep going. You have to play the game until the end. You can’t quit.”

  My tears flow harder as the weight of Wyatt’s words settle over me. He is opening up to me to help me fight for those I love even though it’s in opposition to what he’s fighting for. I pull Wyatt to me kissing his lips with all the passion and gratitude in my body. I rest my forehead against Wyatt’s when our lips pull apart.

  “My mom isn’t doing well. Amanda said the doctors aren’t very hopeful about her making it to many more weeks. I just want to spend the last time I have with her,” I say with a resigned sigh.

  “I sorry sweetheart. But what if you win. You have to keep fighting for her.

  Wyatt is right. I hate it, but it’s true. Giving up before it is over is a definite death sentence for my mother. Continuing could save her life.

  “Okay. Pull it out.”

  Wyatt wraps his hands around my calf again. Honey-ocean eyes meet mine. This time he doesn’t count. He stares into my eyes giving me strength. One hard yank by his strong hands frees my leg. Blood pours from a jagged gash that starts above my ankle then snakes down over the top of my foot. My shoe is nowhere to be found. The pearly white surface of bone shows through the wound.

  “Damn. That looks bad. We need to get you back to camp and call for a medic.”

  “No,” I say shaking my head.

  “No?” Wyatt looks at me confusion etched across his face. “That cut is too deep.”

  “No. Let’s keep going. You said we are almost there. Let’s go. Let’s finish this.”

  Wyatt’s unsure eyes search mine. I wonder what he sees. Does he see how scared I am? Does he see how badly I need to finish this? I don’t know why. But I do. I need to be strong. Wyatt nods his head. Apprehension still lurks at the edge of his gaze, but he doesn’t argue further. He pulls off the backpack and pulls out a t-shirt. As delicately as he can he wraps the shirt around my foot.

  “This is going to sting,” Is his only warning before he pulls tightly and ties a knot to hold the makeshift bandage in place. More tears well in my eyes as I cry out in pain.

  “I’m sorry baby. Just breathe through the pain.”

  I pull deep ragged breaths into my lungs trying to calm myself. I can do this. I can do this. Wyatt pulls me to my feet swinging my arm around his shoulders so that I can lean most of my weight against him. We continue on slowly, him mostly dragging me. Pain shoots up my leg with each agonizing step. I grit my teeth but refuse to cry out.

  Time drags by at a glacial pace. I lift one heavy foot placing it in front of the other.

  “We are here.” I nearly cry tears of joy when Wyatt’s voice reaches my ears. I glance ahead of us squinting my eyes through the downpour. Large blurry shapes are only a few feet in front of us. As we approach the area the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Somethings not right. The area is a disaster. Knocked over boxes and packages are littered across the ground torn to pieces. Hoof prints are scattered all around the ground.

  Wyatt deposits me on a rock, then goes to inspect the situation. I scan the surrounding area, for what I don’t know. Although we just got here I want to leave. I can’t shake this feeling like something isn’t right here.

  “Damn. Looks like some deer got here before us.” Wyatt says bending on his haunches in front of a package of hot dogs that had been squished into the dirt. Maggots have already started appearing on some of the food. “Let me see what I can salvage. When we call for the medic, I’ll tell them about the food.”

  “Wyatt lets go,” I say a tinge panic lacing my voice.

  “What? Why?” A deep furrow creases Wyatt’s forehead as he frowns at me. “I need to grab at least some of this stuff.”

  “No leave it. We need to get out of here. Somethings not right.” I
awkwardly push myself up to stand on my uninjured leg. Wyatt’s long stride carries him to my side.

  “Kara, we need…”

  Low growls cut off Wyatt’s next words. The growls get closer until three wolves emerge from between the trees. Heads low, their glowing yellow eyes track our every movement.

  “They must have smelled the food. Get behind me and back up slowly,” Wyatt commands.

  I move to obey Wyatt’s order. The wolf in the front of the pack takes a step forward. That must be the alpha. He bears his teeth while releasing a long deep growl. The other two wolves take a step forward, heads low, waiting for their next command. The alpha sniffs the air then its eyes lock on my injured foot.

  “Wyatt. It smells my blood.”

  “I know. There is a hunting knife in the backpack. Reach in and grab it.”

  I do as he instructs. The knife rattles in my shaky hands. Between the rain and my nerves I can barely get a steady grip on it.

  “Good. Now when I say go, back up quickly, but don’t turn your back on them until you are out of sight. Then run back to the camp and call for help.”

  “I’m not going to leave you here.”

  “You have to. I need you to call for help. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes.” I kiss the side of Wyatt’s face. “You better be right behind me.”

  “I’ll try. Go.”

  I limp backwards as quickly as my injured foot will allow me. The adrenaline pumping through my body blocks out most of the pain. The alpha lifts its head staring after me. Before it has a chance to move Wyatt sprints toward it yelling at the top of his lungs. All three wolves surround him and attack.

  Wyatt balls his fist and punches the alpha in the snout. The alpha slides back in the muddy ground. The second wolf lungs at Wyatt sinking its jaws into the backpack, while the third one snaps at his leg and misses. Wyatt shakes free of the backpack as the second wolf tries to use it to drag him off his feet. The wolves back off, surrounding him. They are studying him, looking for the weak spot to attack. He’s not going to make it. I have to help him.

  Strengthened by the adrenaline saturating my body I run full speed toward Wyatt. Pain is replaced by fear pushing me to my limits. The alpha lunges for Wyatt, this time toward his neck. Wyatt lifts his arm to protect himself. The alpha bites down on his forearm. Blood splatters across Wyatt’s face as the crunch of bone and slick slicing of skin and muscle echos through the air. Spurred on by the smell of blood the other two wolves join in the attack, one biting down on Wyatt’s leg while the other strikes it’s claws along his back.

  A demented scream pours from deep within my soul out of my mouth. Knife held high above my head I ram into one of the wolves knocking it back, before slicing down and sinking the blade into the wolf on Wyatt’s leg. It yelps in pain and lets go. I pull the knife out and bring it down into the shoulder of the alpha.

  Wyatt’s body slumps to the ground, no longer held up by the wolfs jaws. I huddle over him knife drawn, eyes dancing between the animals. Only the alpha and the wolf I rammed remain. The other lays completely still in a pool of it’s own blood. The alpha howls, then brings it’s steely gaze back to mine. I know it’s not possible but it looks like it’s smiling at me. Toying with me. It paces to the side, eyes never leaving mine.

  “Over here,” A voice shouts in the distance. I snap my head in the direction the voice came from, relief ripping through me. Seeing my distraction the alpha lunges forward claws barred. I don’t have enough time to lift the knife again before it’s paw strikes across my face, claws digging into the hairline near my temple, running down my cheek and chin.

  Bullets ring out as men in tactile gear emerge from between the trees. Two final yelps ring out as the wolves breath their last. Lights shining through the rain surround us. All the energy that pushed me drys up, leaving me with barely enough strength to hold my head up.

  “Ma’ma are you alright?” one of the men asks.

  I ignore the question, never taking my focus off Wyatt’s still form. The rise and fall of his chest is the only comfort I have about his condition. A white, ashen hue has taken over his normally tan skin.

  “Wyatt? Wyatt can you hear me?”

  He lets out a low moan in response. His lips continue moving, but his voice is so low and weak I can barely make out his words. I lean my head in closer to his lips.

  “Emma. Emma,” he chants over and over. His daughter.

  “I’m sorry Wyatt. She’ll be safe I promise. The money is yours. It’s yours.”

  My words don’t penetrate his traumatized mind. Wyatt continues to repeat his daughters name. The men circle around us pulling out medical supplies and bandages. I don’t resist as they pull me off of Wyatt.

  “Ma’am we need to stop his bleeding. Please sit here and John will get your face bandaged up.”

  I obey and the man who must be John begins wiping the blood from my face. The others immediately go to work cutting away Wyatt’s clothes to see the full extent of the damage. Angry red welts and bit marks cover his leg, back, and arm. Two men lift his unconscious body onto a little gurney as another places a tourniquet around his leg. I swat away the man trying to wipe the blood from my face. He’s blocking my view of Wyatt. I have to see him. I need to see his chest rise and fall.

  “He’s lost too much blood. We need to do an emergency evacuation. Call in a chopper.”

  “Is he going to be okay?” My voice is so weak the question barely registers with my own ears. “Is he going to be okay,” I repeat more clearly.

  “Ma’am they are going to do their best to save him. We’re ordering a chopper to transport him to the hospital,” John replies.

  “Will he be okay? Tell me he’ll be okay. Tell me he’ll be okay,” I scream. Hysteria winds around my mind, cutting off the logical part that knows they can’t make me any promises. John says nothing, allowing me my moment of grief.

  “Okay let’s get him out of here,” one of the men around Wyatt states.

  They lift the gurney holding his prone body and run back in the direction they came from. Wait. Wait. Where is he going? I shoot to me feet to follow along. My injured foot doesn’t cooperate sending me stumbling forward. John catches me, propping me up by slinging my arm over his shoulder.

  “I have to go with him.”

  “You will don’t worry. Let me finish taking care of you then we will head over to the hospital.”

  I don’t respond, my attention focused on Wyatt’s disappearing form. I don’t move or look away until he’s swallowed up by the rain and trees. Please be okay.

  Chapter 11


  I pull the car to a stop in front of the pale blue double wide trailer. It’s seen better days, but overall not to bad. The little patch of grass in front is cut. A bed of beautiful red, purple, and yellow flowers sits to the left of the front steps. Shutters that were probably once white, now a light gray, frame four windows along the homes front.

  I glance one more time in the rear view mirror. Four angry red welts with black stitching reflect back at me. The bride of Frankenstein probably looked less scary than me. Wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans I open the door and get out of the car. My heart hammers harder in my chest with each step closer to the door. Please don’t be afraid of me.

  The climb up the steps is over too soon. Even with my cane and booted foot slowing my progress I still didn’t have enough time to ready myself. What if she sees me and screams? Get over it and knock already. I take a steading breath then rap my knuckles against the door. Shuffling then the patter of little feet sound inside. I don’t have to wait long before the door is pulled open.

  Glancing down my eyes connect with a pair of honey-ocean ones that look identical to her fathers. Emma. The little girl doesn’t recoil or run off screaming to the hills. She cocks her head to the side letting her eyes roam over my wounds then back to my eyes.

  “Hello,” she says in a soft voice.

  “Who is it,” a raspy feminine
voice calls from inside.

  Not breaking eye contact the little girl says, “My mommy wants to know who are you.”

  I bend down to the little girls level and extend my hand for her to shake. She places her little hand inside mine and squeezes with a surprisingly strong grip. “Hello Emma. My name is Kara. I’m a friend of your fathers.”

  The little girls eyes light up at the mention of her father. “Yeah! Daddy! Is he coming to see me?”

  “Not exactly sweetie. Your daddy was…”

  “Who are you?” the owner of the raspy voice asks coming up behind Emma. The leggy blond was beautiful in that small town, trailer park kind of way. Big blue eyes, large round breasts, a tiny waste, and bleach blond hair that came from a box. I can understand why Wyatt would find her attractive.

  “I’m Kara. I was on the show Divorce Wars with Wyatt.”

  “I guess that makes you his wife. Or did you get the money?” she asks with a mischievous grin.

  “There were some complications on the show. We actually had to end taping early. That’s actually why I wanted to talk with you.”

  “Okay. Come on in,” she says stepping aside to let me enter.

  I step into the trailers tiny wood paneled living room. A large flat screen TV sits on a stand not too far from a lumpy beige sofa. Some reality show with catty women screaming and cursing at each other in public plays on the screen. The room is neat, but sparsely decorated. No pictures of Emma or children’s artwork decorates the walls.

  The woman plops down on the sofa, crossing her legs Indian style on the cushion. A lit cigarette sits in an ashtray on the side table next to the couch. She picks it up and sticks it in her mouth before focusing her attention on me. I look on in horror as she takes a long pull followed by an exhale of a large billowy cloud of smoke. Emma who tries to make herself small and invisible in the corner of the room begins to cough.

  “I’m Alexis in case Wyatt didn’t tell you. Well Kara from the look of them cuts on your face I’d say things got real complicated. Wyatt do that to you? He in jail or something?”