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Divorce Wars: Opposites Attract Page 5
Divorce Wars: Opposites Attract Read online
Page 5
I give him my best evil eye, the one my mother perfected, as he sets me down on the bed. I instead of leaving the room to allow me to lick my wounds in peace, Wyatt digs his hands in my braids.
“Hey! What is wrong with you? What are you doing?”
“I heard that smack to your head all the way in here. I’m checking for…damn. You’re bleeding.” He pulls his hand out of my hair and brings it down in front of my face. Sure enough a bright red streak of my blood stains his fingers. “This might mean that you have a concussion. You need to get it checked out.”
“In case you haven’t noticed they barely gave us a first aid kit and band-aids let alone a doctor.”
“That Cindy chick said we can call if there is an emergency. You can call and tell them what happened. Plus if you ask for the divorce and you can just go home all together.”
I freeze before looking him in his beautiful honey-ocean eyes.
“So that’s what this is about. You want me to give up. What kind of animal would resort to nearly killing someone just to win a game show?”
“That’s not why I did it. It was stupid, but…”
“Why don’t you give up? Why are you playing this game anyway?”
“I’ve got my reasons, ” he mutters, eyes dropping to the floor.
“Wow! That was prolific. I have reasons to. A dying mother! It’s not enough to nearly kill me you have to kill her to?” I pour every ounce of loathing my body is able to muster into the accusation. I want him to feel even a small ounce of the pain I feel at possibly losing my mother.
“I would never intentionally hurt you.”
“Yeah right? Why should I believe you?”
Hard lips crash down on mine as Wyatt’s large hands latch on either side of my face holding me in place. My brain temporarily goes off line as the heat from his searing kiss radiates through my already overloaded nerve endings. I can taste the frustration, anger, and apology he pours into the kiss. For a moment the idea of forgetting all that has transpired between us flashes across my brain. Forget the money. Let’s live in kisses like this one.
I lean forward opening my mouth to his kiss. He doesn’t hesitate to take the invitation as his tongue strokes into my mouth melding our lips in a fierce embrace. The flavor of mint and strawberries invade my palette. So apparently despite not bathing he has been brushing his teeth. Thank God or this kiss would have been straight nasty. Wait. Kiss? I’m kissing him. I’m kissing Wyatt. My mental breaks finally kick in causing me to jerk backwards ending the should not have been that good kiss. A hiss escapes my lips as a the quick motion irritates my head wound.
The weight of the situation hasn’t sunk in for Wyatt yet. His pupils are dilated so far the honey-ocean of his iris is nearly nonexistent. No, not hazel-green. A passion filled glaze has turned them the deep blue of a stormy ocean. The heavy heaves of his chest up and down mixed with the look in his eyes like he wants to devour me gives him an almost animalistic quality. I hate to admit it, even to myself, but the temptation to give myself over to the beast I see lurking in his eyes is one I want to give in to.
“What are you doing?” The words escape my lips on a whisper, but they have the desired effect. The haze of desire vanishes from his eyes. He snatches his hands back as if I am a venomous snake poised to strike.
“I’m… I don’t…”
We stare at each other, both unable to think of what to say next. He looks like a lost little boy trying to figure out how to explain why he kissed me is like trying to figure out the intricate mystery that is the meaning of life. Shock and frustration take up residence in his eyes. Wyatt runs his large hands over his face with a groan. Without another word his long strides carry him out of my room as if the hounds of hell are nipping at his heels.
What the holy smurf cakes was that?! Watching his retreating form I can’t fight the urge to rub my fingers over my kiss swollen lips. That kiss was amazing! Don’t get me wrong I’ve been kissed before, but that was a whole new level. It can’t happen again though. Falling in love is not an option. Falling in love means giving up the money or leaving the show with a broken heart. I can’t afford either of those things. Although a delicious one, Wyatt is still my enemy. At least until this show is over. Fortifying my resolve with that thought I take a deep breath to center myself. This is war. No room for love.
Chapter 6
“You there. Sapphire, Sydney, um…”
“Cindy sir. My name is Cindy,” I reply, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice.
Each day gets harder and harder not to roll my eyes and give Peter a piece of my mind as he barks orders at me or snaps his fingers while he calls me everything except my name. I’ve worked for the show for over two years and still he hasn’t seen it as necessary to learn my name. He may be one of the greatest creative directors this show has ever seen, but he is a lousy human being.
“Cindy, right. I need an update. We just had an incident with the contestants.”
I glance down at the incident report on my clipboard before replying. “Yes sir. Kara slipped and fell in the kitchen. She hit her head.”
“Our fault?”
“No sir. Wyatt slicked the floor with coconut oil.”
“Good. If she sues it falls on him. Is she hurt badly?”
“They didn’t use the intercom to call it in so we aren’t sure, but we’re already setting up an emergency team to go out and check on the situation. There’s a medic that will look her over to make sure everything is fine.”
“Good, good. Make sure she is alright and willing to continue on. If so I need you to add an equipment delivery to the visit. They are taking too long. We are getting down to the wire and it doesn’t look like either is budging. We’ve decided to add a new element of stress to their situation. We’re going to boot them out of the cabin and make them live in the wilderness. You know, Survivor type stuff. Talk with Matt about getting them whatever they need. Tents, sleeping bags, first aid kit, whatever.”
I squeeze my eyes shut to hide the incredulous stare I know is lurking in them. One more year and you’ve paid your dues and you can get out of here.
The things these people are willing to do to others for ratings and a few extra dollars is nuts. I shouldn’t be surprised based on some of the things they’ve done in past seasons, but this takes the cake by far.
“Yes sir. I’ll get right on it.”
“Great. While you’re at it get me a cup of coffee too. Hazelnut, two sugars and four creams.”
“Right away sir,” I reply pretending to scribble down his order. Without so much as a thank you Peter storms away to find his next victim to bark orders at. Once he is out of sight I erase the fake notes for his coffee order and go in search of Matt. I’ll remember to get Peter coffee when he can remember my name.
* * *
Interaction with someone other than Wyatt has become such a foreign concept these days my brain nearly blocks out the sound of knocking on the front door. Several bright lights shine through the curtain of the window. I put down my books and rise from my makeshift bed on the love seat to open the door.
Several men in jeans, combat boots, and sweatshirts that say Divorce Wars Crew and another with a shirt that says EMT stand on the front porch.
“Hey guys. What’s up?” I ask.
The man with the EMT shirt steps forward. “We saw your fall on the cameras and we are here to check up on you. May we come in?”
“Yeah of course. I feel fine though.”
I step back to let the men file through the front door. Each of the three crew men are carrying large black bags. Wyatt emerges from the hall into the living room as they are placing the bags on the ground. We both watch as they begin pulling items out. Is that camping gear?
“Okay. If you would please Kara, come sit here so I can do a quick exam,” The EMT says as he kneels before the love seat, pulling medical instruments from his case.
I obey his comm
and and stroll over to the sofa, eyes still glued to the men pulling items out of the black bags. He scoots closer to me and pulls out a tool with a light to examine my eyes.
“Follow my finger,” he says as he begins to wave his finger back and forth before my eyes.
“What’s all this stuff?” Wyatt asks pointing to the camping equipment. I’m glad he is able to pose the question, because the knot of dread and apprehension that has settled in my stomach locks my lips together. I halfway prefer the ignorance of the mystery than the potential harshness of knowledge.
The EMT ignores the question and continues examining me. He pulls a notepad out and jots a few things down before leaning over me to look at the lump on the back of my head. The crew members look between each other. The cute Asian one stands and stretches out his hand to Wyatt.
“Hey I’m Matt. As soon as doc is finished looking Kara over we will tell you guys about the next step in the show.”
Wyatt takes the offered hand and nods his acceptance. Yup, bad things are about to come our way. Nervous energy courses through my veins causing my leg to shake uncontrollably.
I stare at the EMT willing him to hurry up. The need to know what is going to happen has my heart hammering so hard I’m afraid it might explode in my chest. He either doesn’t see or ignores my impatience and continues his examination as slowly as he pleases. I wince when he presses against the lump.
“I don’t feel any soft spots to indicate cracks in the skull. The swelling isn’t anything to be worried about. Have you experienced any nausea, dizziness, headache, or ringing in your ears?”
“No. Apart from a little tenderness I’m fine.”
“I’m going to clear you, but let us know if you begin feeling any of those or other symptoms.”
“Yeah sure.”
I breathe a sigh of relief I didn’t even know I was holding. I guess it’s always a relief to hear from a medical professional you aren’t going to be permanently brain damaged and drooling on yourself for the rest of your life. The EMT throws his tools back in his case before rising and going to stand by the door.
Now that potential medical threats are no longer an issue my gaze locks on Matt. I don’t even notice Wyatt coming toward me until he sits next to me on the love seat. My hand itches to reach out and take his for comfort, but I resist. No matter the situation we are still competitors.
“Ok Matt, what’s up?” Wyatt asks.
“As you all know the show only tapes for six weeks. You all have been in the game complex for about four weeks now and you both seem pretty set in not giving up. I admire that, but the network is worried about your situation being a little stale and only halfway decent ratings. So they have decided to add a new element to hopefully a) get one of you to ask for the divorce and b) spike viewership.”
“And what might this new element be?” I ask through dry lips.
“We are booting you out of the cabin and you are going to live in the woods for the rest of the shows taping schedule. All this stuff is equipment that you will need. Tents, sleeping bags, cookware, etc. We’re give you the basics like matches for fires and everything, but you need to collect your own wood, etc. Any questions?”
I let out a slow laugh, shaking my head. “You’re kidding right?”
“Of course he’s not,” Wyatt cuts in. His hands are clasped together in front of him a grip so tight he could probably bend steel. A dark cloud of anger covers his face.
“Can you do that? There has to be some kind of rule against this,” I protest. Before the words even leave my lips I know they are in vain.
“Nope there’s not.” At least Matt has the decency to look sorry as he says this. “In the contract you signed we are only not allowed to put you in danger. As you were told the complex is free of any dangerous animals. We are also giving you everything you will need and will do food drops for you. Speaking of which, your next one will be in two days. You can find the food here.”
He points to a circle on a map he hands to Wyatt.
“How will you be able to record us?” I ask in a last attempt to find a flaw in their plan. To save myself from having to rough it in the wild.
“We have cameras in various places around the complex already. Plus we put GPS trackers in the equipment. When you guys pick a spot to set up camp we will send a few techs out to set up a few more where you guys settle. Don’t worry it will be at night so you won’t even know they were there.” Matt says these things with a smile like it’s supposed to make everything about the situation better.
This is real. They are really kicking us out of the cabin. I’ve never been camping in my life. A nice hike is one thing, but living in the wilderness is another. White hot panic coils my stomach. My chest heaves as I gulp in air, but can’t seem to catch my breath.
“Head between your legs and breathe”. A firm hand grips the back of my neck guiding my head between my knees. Another rubs up and down my back as a calm voice chants in my ear.
“That’s it. Just breathe. Good girl. Just breathe.”
I latch onto the calmness of the voice and try to focus on pulling air into my lungs. The panic attack begins to subside and I am able to finally catch my breath. The hand at the back of my neck releases me, but the other continues to rub up and down my back. Breathing under control I sit up.
I turn my head to say thank you to my helper, but stop short when my eyes connect with honey-ocean ones. It isn’t the EMT whose hand still rubs up and down my back. He’s standing in his same spot near the door. A small smile pulls at the corner of Wyatt’s lips as he strokes his hand up my back one last time before pulling it away.
He turns his attention back to Matt. “Okay, when do we have to leave?”
“First thing in the morning. We need you cleared out of here before ten. Do you need us to explain how any of this works or how to set it up before we leave?”
“Nah. I used to go camping with my family all the time when I was little.”
I didn’t know that. Of course I don’t know much about his family, other than the fact that he has to have one because despite what my grandmother tried to convince me until the day she died, babies don’t come from watermelon seeds planted in the ground.
A wave of relief washes over me knowing that at least one of us can keep us alive in the wilderness.
“Sounds good. Well then we will get out of your hair. Oh before I forget. Kara this is a message for you from Amanda. And here is a walkie talkie. If you guys need anything please let us know. Good luck.”
Matt give us one last feeble wave before heading out the door. The other men collect the empty bags and follow behind him. The door closes with a soft click that sounds as loud as an elephant’s trunk blast.
Silence stretches between Wyatt and I as we stare at the equipment they left behind. Most of it is as foreign and useless to me as Chinese in a German chocolate shop.
“Since this will probably be the last time we get the chance to sleep on something comfortable in the next few weeks you can share the bed with me tonight. Nothing sexual. Sleeping on the ground is hard for someone who’s not used to it and I owe you one.”
If the new element to the show didn’t take me off guard enough, this certainly does. Wyatt is being nice to me. Digging into the why of this chivalrous gesture requires too much additional brain power. I chalk it up to his guilt for my head injury.
“Thank you. I’d like that.”
“Grab your stuff.”
I snatch my pillow and blanket off the sofa without hesitation. I don’t need to be told twice to take advantage of a good thing. Wyatt doesn’t wait for me to follow and I not about to risk him changing his mind before I get to the room.
I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the window as I go to turn off the light. The sight of my bright yellow and blue striped head scarf gets the “does this make me look homely” wheels turning in my head. Not that I should care either way. Wyatt is the arrogant, narcissistic, smelly, pain in my behind that I would
n’t date, let alone marry under ordinary circumstances. Then why are my insides doing somersaults at the prospect of laying next to him tonight?
Forget it! I opt to leave the scarf in place to remind myself as much as Wyatt of the state of our relationship. By the time I make it to the room Wyatt is already in bed laying on his side with his back facing my side. He did however turn down my side of the blanket. I creep to the bed and climb in as quietly as I can.
My body melts into the soft cotton sheets the second it hits the bed. I didn’t know how much I missed sleeping in a bed these past four weeks until this moment. A soft moan escapes my lips as I wriggle between the cool sheets.
“Cut that out.” Wyatt barks.
The feel of the soft mattress beneath my sore body has me so far on cloud nine I ignore his command and keep moving. Strong arms latch onto me from behind making it impossible to move.
“What the? Let me go.”
“I told you to be still. This is what you get for not listening.” His hot breath tickles my ear sending a shiver down my spine. The sensation makes me very aware that I am in the arms of a gorgeous man who can kiss like he was made to do it.
“Fine I’ll be still just let me go.”
I squirm a bit more in protest, but his iron grip only gets tighter, pinning me in place. My body goes still while my mind kicks into overdrive trying to figure out what to do next. I take a deep breath that I mean to blow out in exasperation, but stop short. The scent of my lavender soap tickles my nostrils, but I’m not the source of the smell. Wyatt showered! I bend my head closer to the arm holding me and sure enough it smells like a clean floral scented male.
This day was turning out to be filled will all kinds of unexpected twists. Even after a few minutes of being still Wyatt’s arm doesn’t let me go. A long yawn pushes past my lips as I lay trapped in his embrace. Deciding not to fight it, I close my eyes to give in to sleep. A my mind relaxes into the land of sleep the words ‘goodnight beautiful’ drift into the edge of my consciousness right before everything goes black.