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- G. S. Carr
Divorce Wars: Opposites Attract Page 6
Divorce Wars: Opposites Attract Read online
Page 6
Chapter 7
Soft snores penetrate my foggy mind as the last remnants of sleep recede. Opening my eyes I am greeted to the sight of Kara’s head resting on my chest with her right leg draped over my body. I knew she snored. The thought causes a small laugh to rumble through my chest.
Kara begins to stir, burrowing her body closer to mine. When her eyes flutter open big brown eyes look at me as if my arms are the most natural place in the world for her to be. My breath hitches in my throat as she hits me with her beautiful smile. This woman is breathtaking.
All too soon the haze of sleep lifts and her smile slips as reality settles in. I can almost see the moment I go back to being the enemy. She retracts her arm from around my waist and rolls out of my reach.
“Good morning.” I say holding on to the sweet moment a little while longer.
“Good morning,” Kara replies as she sits up. “I’m sorry for invading your space. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“Nah you’re good.” I place my hands behind my head and watch Kara’s fingers fidget with the sheet.
“Thanks for letting me sleep in the bed. That’s the best sleep I’ve had this entire time. I needed it more than I realized.”
“No problem. I’m glad you had a good nights sleep.”
“Well,” Kara says clearing her throat. “I guess we should get ready to head out.”
I glance at the digital clock on the night stand that reads 8:30 AM. She’s right. I don’t have much in the way of clothes to pack, but I need to gather up and divide the equipment. I saw two hiking backpacks, when the guys were laying everything out. Kara’s petite 5’7 frame might not be able to hold much of the luggage so I will have to be strategic in what I give her.
“Yeah you’re right. We should get going.”
“I’ll make us some breakfast.”
Kara hops out of the bed as if staying in it a moment longer will cause her flesh to melt off. I try not to let it bother me but the truth is it stings a little. I know I earned every bit of dislike she has for me but the moment she looked at me as if I were her knight in shining armor a longing deep within my soul was created to have that look back for one more second.
Shaking off the bit of melancholy I get up from the bed to get ready to leave.
* * *
This has to be one of the best mornings of my life. Waking up in Wyatt’s strong embrace was like a little slice of warm apple pie covered heaven on earth. I’ll never admit it if he asks though.
I grab the eggs and bacon from the refrigerator then place them on the counter. I’m not planning to make this amazing breakfast for Wyatt. At least I won’t admit that I am. If I am smiling the whole time imagining snuggling close to his chest so be it. No one else will ever know.
I reach into my pocket to grab my capstick before I begin. Per usual my lips are dry after brushing my teeth. Something brushes against my fingers as they dig around in my pocket. A folded piece of paper is in my hand when I pull it out of my pocket. The memory of Matt handing it to me after dropping his atomic bomb of an announcement comes back to me. It’s a message from Amanda. I’d been so close to a meltdown last night I forgot about it.
I quickly open the piece of paper and read it. All the air is sucked out of the room as I read the words scrawled across the paper. My heart plunges to my feet. I grab the counter top to steady myself, all the warm and fuzzy feelings from earlier are now gone. Mom.
* * *
“How much longer? This sun is kicking my behind so hard right now,” I whine.
“Not too much further. Besides I’m pretty sure that behind can take a firm beating and bounce back.”
I didn’t know it was possible but more heat races up my next to consume my face at Wyatts compliment. Images of waking up in his arms flash through my mind. He throws me a wink and his devilish grin as if he knows how his words affected me. I clamp my mouth firmly shut, locking in all complaints for the rest of the hike.
The cabin sits in the middle of the game complex with only about a two mile walk to the fences on each side. There isn’t anywhere for us to set up camp that is too far of a walk, but Wyatt decided we need to set up our tents on high ground. Something about rain and other outdoorsy stuff. So here I am, practically scaling the side of a mountain in the blazing heat with a backpack loaded down with equipment that weighs a ton. Sweat trickles from my scalp, down my face, stinging my eyes. The temptation to drop the heavy pack hit me about ten minutes ago, but unfortunately I’m carrying the little bite of food from the cabin.
“We’re here,” Wyatt shouts back to me before disappearing over a ledge at the top of the cliff. Thank you sweet baby smurfs! I put a little pep in my step and climb faster. Wyatt pops back over the edge of the cliff and reaches out a hand to pull me the rest of the way. I try my best not to be all dead weight as he hoists me up. I finally make it up onto the flat landing and crumple to the ground. I unstrap the pack and shuffle crawl from the open clearing to the shade of a nearby tree line.
A slow smile begins to spread across my lips as the modicum of relief from the heat settles over me. It’s not the AC of the cabin, but for now it will due. With trembling hands I reach in my pocket for my hand towel to wipe my face. Tears sting the back on my eyes as I genuinely start to miss the cabin. Right now I’d take being stuck in a cabin with a rude, smelly Wyatt over making that hike again any day.
I’ve never considered quitting this show more than I do in this moment. Mom has lived a full life. She’ll enjoy heaven. Stop it! That’s not funny. Especially after Amanda’s note.I push thoughts of quitting aside and focus on pulling air past my dry lips and into my screaming lungs. I close my eyes and imagine being cooler.
Sounds of gravel and dirt being trampled under heavy booted feet drift to my ears as Wyatt walks toward me. I want to groan and complain when the temperature rises next to me because he sits way too close. All that comes out of my mouth is a soft mewling like a dying kitten. I wearily open one eye to glance at Wyatt.
“Here. You need to drink some water,” he says shaking a water bottle in my face.
“I’ve been drinking water this entire time. I don’t want more water, I want AC.”
He looks at me unphased as if my rant in nothing more than the tantrum of a spoiled child. “Drink the water. At this elevation you get dehydrated faster and if you don’t drink enough you will make yourself sick. And eat this,” he says handing me a banana.
I reluctantly snatch the offered items from his hand. I’m too tired for my stank eye to have much menace behind it, which I am secretly grateful for. Wyatt has been showing me his own curt form of kindness the last few days and I would be a jerk not to appreciate.
“Thanks,” I say.
After a few gulps I hand the bottle back to Wyatt. Fireworks explode in my mouth setting off little bombs of sparkle covered unicorn sprinkled happiness throughout my system, when I bite into the banana. That hike must have done a bigger number on me than I thought, because no piece of fruit has ever tasted this good.
The burst of happy chips away at my annoyance. I cut my eyes to Wyatt who hasn’t moved despite having no more reason to be near me.
“So,” I say, dragging out the o. “Guess we haven’t had our morning truce conversation yet.”
“True,” he says finally looking at me.
I take the last bite of the banana and toss the skin over my shoulder. A twinge of sadness pulls at me seeing it disappear into the grass.
“Don’t leave that there,” Wyatt says.
“Why not?”
“Never leave food laying out near the camp. It can attract animals.”
“You heard Cindy. There is nothing more dangerous than some deer and bunny rabbits in here. It doesn’t matter.”
A snort is Wyatt’s only response. I ignore the underlying reprimand unwilling to lose my banana induced bliss.
“You mentioned yo
u used to go camping with your family all the time. Tell me about it.”
Wyatt is quiet so long I debate whether or not he is going to answer or if this is another one of those sensitive topics that is going to send him into shut down mode. He lets out a heavy sigh before opening his mouth to speak.
“I grew up in the country. Lexington North Carolina.” A small chuckle escapes his lips as he meets my wide eyed gaze. “I know shocking. Where’s my accent right?”
“Yeah. I never would have guessed you were from the south.”
“My accent was the first thing to go when I left home. My mom and dad were good people. They died when I was thirteen. Usual sob story stuff. I was put into the system because most of my family already had too many mouths to feed. By sixteen I struck out on my own and started making my own way.” Wyatt pauses to take a deep breath before continuing. I sit completely still afraid to break the spell that has him sharing even this small part of himself with me. “Anyway, when they were alive we used to go camping all the time. They loved being outdoors. Tried their best to be one with nature. Mom had a garden that we got all our vegetables from. Dad would take me hunting or fishing all the time and mom would cook up whatever we brought home. They were good people.”
“How did they die?”
I nod my head in understanding. What must it have been like for Wyatt to lose both parents whom he clearly loved? How much of that shaped him into a man so desperate for money that he decided to go on reality TV to be married to a stranger for money? Part of me wants to reach out and wrap him in a hug, but if I know nothing else I know that it wouldn’t be appreciated. It is as if positive emotions are a foreign negative concept to Wyatt.
“I should get camp set up,” Wyatt says as he rises to his feet.
“I’ll help.”
His story must have put me in my feels because there is no other way I would be volunteering to help. I rise to my feet and nearly fall back down because my body took the time I was resting to exchange my legs for shake weights. I place a hand on a nearby tree to steady myself before attempting another step. Steadier now, I put one lead foot in front of the other to shuffle toward Wyatt and the gear. This is going to be a long day.
* * *
Insert Pole A into Slot G then bend at a forty-five degree angel. I would love to follow this step in the tent assembly instruction manual, only it seems Pole A decided to grow legs and walk away from my neat pile. I lined up each pole after opening the package, matching them to the pictures. At the start of this endeavor Pole A was in its rightful place next to Pole B, but now I can’t find it.
It is too hot and I am too cranky to put up with this situation. All the sadness and fear from reading Amanda’s note bubbles to the surface, sending me into an emotional spiral. grab the nearest pole, lifting it over my head and start repeatedly beating the ground. Is this display a bit unnecessary? Probably. Do I care? No.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Wyatt says running up to me. “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? It is blazing hot outside and I feel like I am about to melt into a chocolate puddle. Putting together this tent is too freaking hard and Pole A decided to walk off. I’m thirsty, I want a nap, I want AC, I probably smell as bad as you, and the only reason I am in this situation is to save my mothers life, but the selfish bastard I’m stuck here with won’t let me have the stinking money!!”
By the time I finish my tirade I am screaming so loud my throat is raw. The red tint of Wyatt’s face gets two shades brighter like a ripe tomato ready to be plucked from the vein. My anger fuels his anger which in turn stokes mine even higher. We are like two volcanic eruptions fueling the fire in the other. I know I am being irrational. In fact my behavior doesn’t even make since to me, but I can’t stop myself from lashing out.
“Did it ever occur to you that I might not be as selfish as you think I am? That I have my reasons too?” He rages at me.
“And what might those reasons be?”
A vein in his temple pulses under the strain of Wyatt’s anger, but he doesn’t respond.
“Yeah that’s what I thought.” I sneer.
“Just because I don’t share them with you doesn’t mean my reasons aren’t as valid as yours.” He grinds out between clenched teeth. “You think I want to be stuck out here with some crazy woman that might bash my head in with a tent pole because she is too unstable to ask for help?”
“I don’t need your help.” I sass back, both hands on my hips.
“Clearly you do.”
I flinch as Wyatt stomps toward me then to my left, catching me off guard. He bends over and picks something up from the ground before coming back to me.
“Here’s Pole A. Now put the crazy lady act to rest.”
Like a punch to the gut all the angry wind is knocked out of my violent storm. Everything I said was uncalled for. I know I should apologize, but pride keeps my mouth clamped shut. Instead of words I try to use my eyes to convey how sorry I am as I take the pole from Wyatt’s outstretched hand. His immediate dismissal as soon as I take the pole from him tells me it didn’t work. He needs my words. Words I can’t bring myself to give him.
I watch his back as he retreats to his side of the camp. Girl this is a whole new low. I walk over to the pile of tent pieces I laid out and drop the missing pole back in its place. I need to clear my head. I grab a water bottle and trek toward the tree line.
Chapter 8
Why me? Those two words have been running through my head ever since Kara lost her mind and went fire breathing dragon on me. Those words are about more than Kara though. Why am I here? Why haven’t I created a better environment for my daughter? Why did I let myself get in debt with the Catillian family? Why do I feel obligated to go after Kara even though she went off on me?
Violet, yellow and blood orange streaks light up the early evening sky. Kara left over an hour ago and I haven’t seen any sign of her since. I’ve set up the entire campsite, including the tent, since she left. Out of things to keep myself busy, thoughts of what could possibly be keeping her away flood my mind. Is she hurt? Does she need my help? Crouched over the camps small flame my mind fills with images of Kara laying unconscious in the woods.
I have my faults, but I’m not heartless, unfortunately especially where she is concerned. If something happens to Kara and my pride kept me from going to help her I would never forgive myself. I let out a sigh as I toss the stick I’d been using to poke at the fire into the flame and stand. Time to go collect my fire breathing princess.
I walk through the woods, scanning the foliage for any signs that an angry woman stomped though. I send up a quiet thank you for the tracking skills my parents taught me and the fact that Kara wouldn’t know what I graceful exit is if it bit her in her cute round butt. Broken branches and flowers bent from being trampled under foot guide me in the right direction like floor lights on an airplane.
It doesn’t take long before I break through some shrubbery into a clearing. A small lake glitters under the majestic sky a few feet away. The water is so clear you can see straight to the bottom. Birds and crickets chirp their songs in the distance adding a sense of serenity to the atmosphere. Stillness engulfs the area.
The temptation to sit and take in the serenity of the moment flows through me. You are on a mission. Finding Kara is my main priority. As I scan the area for any sign of her a ripple in the lake catches my attention. Two rosy brown mounds surface from beneath the water. My feet move as if pulled by an unseen teether toward the water. My mouth pulls down in a frown of disappointment when the two mounds disappear back underwater. Soon however, my hungry eyes are rewarded with the most breathtaking sight.
Waves swell across the lake as Kara emerges from under the water. Her supple mouth opens wide as she draws a deep breath into her lungs. All thoughts evacuate my brain as the blood drains from my head southward. Rivulets of water cascade from her head down her body, over her sandy brown
skin. My eyes roam over every soft curve of her luscious body, committing them to memory. Her back is to me, emboldening my my shameless exploration of her naked form. I’ve intruded on a private moment, but I can’t seem to make myself care or tear my eyes away from the beauty displayed before me. I’m only a flesh and blood man after all.
As if sensing my presence Kara whips around to face me. Our eyes lock over the distance. A wicked grin spreads across my lips when she doesn’t turn away or move to cover herself even as I move closer. My eyes lock on her chest that heaves up and down with each ragged breath she pulls into her lungs. Desire sets her dark eyes ablaze. The tips of my fingers tingle, aching for the chance to reach out and touch her.
My feet continue to move forward even when they reach the water. Like an enchanting siren Kara sways her hips as she prowls toward me. I reach forward and pull her supple body flush against mine the second she is in reach. She fits perfectly against me just like I remember. Her heat burns through my clothes making me want to rip them off to find relief. To feel her skin against mine without any barriers.
My lips crash down on hers, devouring them like they are a potion that gives me strength. A moan escapes her lips as she opens herself to me. I take advantage of the opportunity and dip my tongue into her mouth. She moans louder, crushing me to herself as I stroke the inside of her velvety mouth. My greedy hands roam over every inch of her body molding and shaping her supple flesh in my hands. She feels perfect. She tastes perfect.
I place my hand at the nape of her neck massaging the tense flesh. Slowly I drag my hand lower following the curve of her back. Kara breaks the kiss as another moan escapes her lips. I trail my lips across her cheeks and down her neck needing to touch her. Needing to be connected to her.
“Wait. Stop.”
The breathy words reach my ears, but my desire clouded brain takes a moment to digest them. Did she ask me to stop? To pull the breaks on this euphoric sensation?